Thankfully I don’t get sick often because I hate taking medicine. In fact, I will have a headache for hours before giving in and taking something for it. Or I have to be really sick before the cold and flu meds come out. Silly, I know, but I guess that comes with trying to eat right, exercise, and take care of my body.
There is, however, one medicine that I can’t get enough of! Proverbs 17:22 tells us, “A Merry Heart does good like a medicine.” It’s purely good for us. No chemicals. No negative side effects. Now, that’s right up my alley. Plus, everyone that comes in contact with a merry heart is affected by it. You could say it’s quite contagious.
If you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, or if life’s struggles have gotten you down, pray. Ask God for a boost of joy. Strength and vitality will replace the weary heaviness that tries to keep you down and make you moody. You can also pray for God to give you the ability to smile. It’s amazing how infectious a smile can be. It quickly brightens a room. The atmosphere instantly improves. Everyone around you will notice and be moved by the power of a simple smile.
The best part is, you cannot smile without it affecting your own emotions. Try it. Seriously, smile. What happened? You felt better, didn’t you? So often we get stuck in push mode, just hoping to make it through another day or another hour. Life is about so much more than surviving. Be willing to look for and find the joy in it.
Start by looking for opportunities to bring joy into your daily routine. It could be as simple as smiling at a person as they walk by. If they see you smile at them, most often they will smile back. Or instead of being in a hurry, engage in a short conversation with a colleague, ask how they are doing. Their answer might cause you to smile or your cheerful reply could be just the medicine they need at the moment. Bringing joy to others is medicine to the soul, positively effecting both parties.

Do you want to watch The Matrix? Nah, why would I watch a fictional film about how machines enslave humanity?
I work on a college campus and the Drawing Board puts out six to eight pages of comics every Thursday. You could call it the weekly edition of laughter or better yet, Thursday’s dose of “a merry heart”. Sometimes you have to be college savvy and understand the setting – like an inside joke – for it to really be funny, but I always enjoy reading them. Here is a classic example by Megan Tennant.
I know this is simple and nothing new – but sometimes we just need to be reminded, especially during the cold, dreary days of winter. Smiles and a merry heart are easily available, so don’t allow those fun moments to pass you by. Cheers!
I’m the author of: Created to be Creative
to purchase my book Click Here
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