Dare to be Real: One reason people don’t try to develop their talents is because of this consuming factor, they fear it won’t be good enough, or they worry about what others will think of them. God wants us to move beyond our insecurities into the realm of possibilities!
Hidden Beauty: Many are stuck believing a masterpiece has to be impressive or grand. Actually, art can communicate powerful thought through just a glimpse of something more, leaving the rest to the onlooker’s imagination.
Making Memories: A painting can have an effect on us though we know little or nothing about the artist. A quilt can warm us when the quilter is gone, a book can instruct us without the author present. Our artistic expression can make a difference in the lives of people we’ve never met; that is why we must create with purpose, leaving a legacy for others to follow.
Oil Painting by Suzanne Cadden
Hope for the Hurting: Often, one of the first things we dismiss during hardships is our creative outlets. We set them aside in order to deal with our problems, not realizing it could be the very thing God provided to maintain sanity through tough times. Taking creative action can actually work as medicine for the soul.